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Our achievements list for this year
Continued publication of monthly e-newsletter “Voice of Senior Citizens”.
Continued Monthly Discussion Forum on Ageing (MDFA)-a common platform for sharing knowledge on ageing issues.
Continued Ageing Research Fellowship. This year 6 students got financial as well as technical supports to do their thesis.
Sanju Thapa Magar, CEO of Ageing Nepal nominated as a steering group members of Global Alliance for the Rights of Older Persons (GAROP).
Supported to form Literary Group in different districts.
Continued Food Support Programme to community old age homes.
Celebrated World Elder Abuse Day 2021 in collaboration with different local and national organisations.
Presented paper on Elder Abuse in Nepal Conference on Geriatrics 2021 conducted by WHO and Government of Nepal.
Participated in Age with Rights conducted by GAROP.
Conducted Interaction programme on Local action-plan for betterment of older people in six districts of three geographical region.
Celebrated International Day for Older Persons 2021 in collaboration with different local and national organisations.
Conducted free health camp for older persons in collaboration with Doctors on Call.
Started a Basic Literacy Class for Older Persons in Bungmati, Lalitpur in collaboration with Mohan Mohan Adhikari Memorial Foundation.
Conducted a research on Prevalence study of dementia in Nepal: A cross sectional survey in collaboration with Huddlefield University, UK.
Prakash Gautam, Director of Ageing Nepal felicitated by Honorable President of Nepal.
Sanju Thapa Magar, CEO presented paper on international webinar on Empowerment of Older Persons.