Continued Monthly Discussion Forum on Ageing (MDFA)-a common platform for sharing knowledge on ageing issues.
Continued Ageing Research Fellowship.
Sanju Thapa Magar, CEO, represented issues of older people in a biennial meeting organised by AROSP coordination team in Bangkok, Thailand from 1-3 April.
Conducted different campaign activities including interaction with stakeholders and older persons, article publication, television programme on UN Convention during a weeklong campaign on the occasion of Global Rally from 8-14th April.
Sanju Thapa Magar, CEO, presented paper in a stakeholder meeting on “Connecting the vision and ageing sectors to advance healthy ageing in Asia” conducted by Fred Hallows Foundation in Philippines on 17 and 18 April.
Presented a paper on “Status of older people, challenges and opportunities of changing population structure, problems and possible solution of managing the ageing population” in an interaction programme organised by Social Inclusion and Social Security Department, Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration (MOFA), Government of Nepal on 2nd May.
Provided inputs in different National Consultations on Voluntary National Review on SDGs organized by CSOs and government.
Celebrated World Elder Abuse Awareness Day by conducting different programmes including television programme, article publication, paper presentation in virtual event and so on.